1.8 Is Twitter considered credible info?

Is Twitter considered as a credible source?

In my opinion no it is not as most of the information has no proof therefore we do not know if the person we chatting to really is the person we think it is or if its a fake profile/alias.
Yes,twitter has applications such CNN news ect… Which seems to be real,but it also has lots of fictitious people as well and in my opinion its used more as a social site for hot gossip stories than credible information. Twitter is mainly used as an easy accessible chatting site allowing you to follow one another.

I am generally more skeptical of the information that’s tweeted (distributed on twitter) and do not see it as providing more credible information than any other blogging or social media site., reasons for this:

– Twitter is an open-platform where a large percentage of the twits (users) can tweet, self-opinionated and biased, distortions of events.

– Twitter It is more difficult to validate information, when the source and author cannot be verified.

That said, I would like to end off by saying that twitter as well as other social media platforms can be very powerful tool for sharing information globally to millions of users at the click of a button. (Look at feeds/posts/tweets from Arab Spring)


from the Examples of credible sources I would use;

For News:

Mail and Guardian – News

The Guardian

For research:

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online

World Book Encyclopedia






Think fast: Is that tweet true or false? How we use credibility cues to make decisions


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