1.2 Differences between blogs and wiki….and similarities.

1.2 Differences between and similarities between a blog and a wiki..

A blog is a more personal and contains a collection of articles of posts in a journal form
It is a socialist and allows you to updated it whenever the user desires.
A blog is owned and updated by an individual or group and contains articles, images, videos, or and in some instances personal stories.
Posts appear in the reverse chronological order,you cannot edit posts,people often add updates called blogposts.

Wikis is more like an edible web page that allows users to add on and edit information.
Wikis are updated by many people globally and is mainly used for information sharing.
A wiki allows multiple users to create, modify, and organize web page content.

Both blogs and wikis contribute to the 2.0 culture of participation because they enable people to easily share their ideas and knowledge on the world wide web.
They can both be easily set up using free software such as blogger.com or WordPress.com
They both online applications that allows users nationwide to access them.

1.1 About Me -My info


1.1 Hey im Melonie Jackson from Remainhere. My aim ain’t to remain here but to conquer the travel universe 1 island @ a time.

Since visiting the magical island of Reunion, I’ve been bitten by the travel bug, and I enjoy nothing more than white sands, azure waters and tanned topless hunks. This beach-paradise, hunk-perving, cocktail-sipping lifestyle is the one and only standard by which we should measure a perfect existence.

Scuba diving in the Great barrier Reef, donating my time to different ecological aid projects and make a wish foundations were the initial sparks that ignited my travel lust. Even though the fun factor was my initial goal. The experience has deeply touched and moved me to want to live in a better world, whilst having an awesome time. This opportunity has truly opened my eyes to the beauty of this world and i hope the surprises never end

My next adventure takes me to the Phi Phi Island…

Stay tuned…

You can find me on Facebook or follow me on twitter or scout me on Instagram.